Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Update #48, July 27th

Monday, July 27, 2009

#48 Update, July 27th
Sorry for not getting this posted earlier, Mom here has had a few health issues, I'm fine. Sean is beginning to toss a ball overhanded with both his right and left hands which is great. Dr. Patrick is really working on strengthening those arms & hands. He has 1 lb weights on each arm as well to help strengthen those muscles. As a treat each day Paul has been taking him out in his Hummer for rides. It is hard to think about turning it in since the lease is up the 22nd of August, that will be a very sad day indeed. He had talked to us before surgery about turning it in instead of purchasing it and getting another truck. It is just hard to deal with right now. The other day I asked him while he was in the bathroom if he needed any help, or was it alright if I went back to the kitchen. He said "Who are you talking to?" back to me which is a good indicator that the brain is processing more and more with real time situations which is GREAT! He is working on coordination and getting the right body part to work when needed. Crossing his arms to the opposite side of the person in front of him is hard but getting better. He is able to put his socks and shoes on next comes tying them. He can take his shirt off and on as well. We are reminded constantly what miracles our bodies are and how they work especially when relearning comes into play. He always works hard and still loves to nap. :o) He and Delaney play ball a lot more now and she will cuddle him as well as pull on his shorts to follow her and do what she wants done. All of his therapist are pleased with his hard work and continued progress. He will laugh at "Two and a half men" and occasionally at other things, he doesn't comment on items often. I asked him what he wanted for lunch, he looked at me and said "What are my choices?" I told him I wasn't giving him any choices. I just wanted to know what he wanted, I normally would give him 2 or 3 choices. Of course he said "BBQ", which we didn't have available; but we did get him BBQ for dinner that night. Progress for sure. Thank you as always for your prayers and warm thoughts we feel them and as always appreciate them. All our warmth, love and prayers.
Posted by Paul Andrea Knott at 8:01 PM 0 comments Links to this post

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