Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Long overdue update and Happy 40th Birthday Sean!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Update #76 February 1, 2012

Today Sean turns 40, he can't quite believe it either. We went looking for birthday cards for Paulette and I kept showing him the "funny" cards for people turning 40, a lot of the time he laughed, other times he just looked at me as if to say "nice Mom".
I took this photo a couple of weeks ago when he had his hair cut. Glad we are able to have this day.
He will be evaluated on Friday the 3rd at the VA in Denver to see if he is ready to take some on line college classes. He wants to try and we just want to know the best direction for him to take to feel successful. VA has many programs for him where they will pay for his schooling we just need to find one that works for him.
Sean saw his doctor yesterday and they are comparing ultrasounds of his leg from 09' and last week to see if the blood clot they found is old or new. His leg still looks awful but it doesn't hurt like it did. It will take awhile for his body to absorb all of the bruising. Thank you for your continued prayers, support and caring for him it makes all the difference.

Monday, January 23, 2012

#75 Update January 23rd, 2012

Spent 6 1/2 hours in the ER today. Sean was complaining that his upper left leg was hurting when he stood up or sat down and going up and down stairs. He had some bruising on the inside of his leg and behind his left knee yesterday. Bruising is easier to come by when you are injured and take warfarin(coumadin-blood thinner)which he has to prevent more blood clots. Today the purple bruising was covering the entire inside of his leg and behind his knee. I called to get an appointment with his regular doctor and they told me to take him to the ER. After all is said and done the doctor thinks he tore a muscle that is bleeding out. They noted a blood clot which could be new or an older one behind his knee going up his upper leg. Since the original ultrasound verifying blood clots still remained in the left leg was done in the doctor's office they couldn't compare that to today's ultrasound so they don't know if he has a new blood clot or not. Probably the biggest thing was the confirmation in writing that he has DVT (deep vein thrombosis)in that leg NOT varicose veins like he was told before he got out of the Air Force. His breathing is more shallow than they like so we need to watch his leg and make sure he does his oxygen at night. Scary but productive and we are home.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Update #74 January 7th, 2012

The photograph on the top was taken for our Christmas letter. The one on the bottom was taken this summer at a graduation party. He is still our gentle giant. He still has that deep burly voice but he speaks slowly and softly. He doesn't realize how softly he is talking until you tell him to speak up.
It has been almost 3 years since this journey began. Probably the hardest part has been accepting the fact that this is a marathon not a sprint. When they told us they didn't know how much of our original Sean we would get back but that he would be different. He continues to develop almost daily. Sean and I joined Villa Sport Center today to get him swimming and actively exercising again. He has come such a long way. He tested for driving through the VA driver training center. He needs more strength in his hands and feet. He is able to feed himself but not able to write or draw very much. I am looking forward to his being able to write his name and draw again. The cognitive ability to drive is not ready either, time will tell if that will develop more in order for his dream of driving a Hummer again. At this point he looks everyday on line for Red Hummers. It is amazing what he can do on the computer and what he remembers. He enjoys talking to old friends and misses socialization.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

#73, June 8, 2011

One disadvantage of Sean's living in the house with us is that we sometimes don't notice that he's making progress until someone else brings it to our attention. Since January Sean has been spending more and more time on the computer. First he was only playing computer games. Then he remembered that he had e-mail accounts and began going on-line. He now is looking for Hummers - specifically red ones, like the H3 he used to have. We have received phone calls from Ohio and Washington state from dealers and sellers in reply to inquiries that Sean has put out. When we explain Sean's situation, almost all of the time people are very understanding. One private seller was not very gracious, but that's life.
He has been to Denver's Veterans' Hospital twice for routine visits, and goes to the local VA center for blood work. Tomorrow we'll talk to a counselor to find out whether he should have a higher disability rating from the military, since the clots happened so soon after he and the Air Force parted ways. Thanks to all of your prayers and good wishes about Sean. We really appreciate them, more than you can imagine.