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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quotes of insight, inspiration and ambiguity

"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl." Stephan Hoeller 

This quote inspires me and makes me think about Sean. It's been over a year now since his emergency open heart surgery that nearly took him from us and left him with an anoxic/hypoxic brain injury. What is an anoxic/hypoxic brain injury you might ask? In Sean's case, sometime during his 10 hour surgery his blood pressure got too low and his brain didn't get enough oxygen. From what I understand from this lack of oxygen damaged his mid-brain area. The mid-brain is the integration center from your higher brain functions like coordination, intelligence, and telling your motor neurons what to do. He's still re-learning, healing and recovering every day. He enjoys spending time with Delaney and they have a mutual admiration society. My mom has the patience of Job and sometimes has more than her hands full with the two of them. I'll be glad when D starts preschool 2 days a week this fall so that mom will get more of a break than just my days off. 

Sean is becoming more pronounced in his opinions and more vocal with his likes and dislikes. He will play his hidden picture/object games for longer periods of time and is more vocal about what he does and doesn't want to watch, participate in etc. He has different "flashes of memory". Vivid memories I have from our shared childhood, he may or may not remember. During one of Sean's rehabilitation appointment's Dad was told that brain injury patients are more sensitive to barometric changes than your everyday person. Mom and I thought we shared the label of the family human barometers as different aches and pains seem to appear when the weather changes. 

As 2009 drew to a close, Sean continued to be covered under his old employer health insurance and his COBRA election. Initially I thought he was waiting to hear about his approved rehabilitation visits for 2010 but I don't believe we every got that news. His coverage through COBRA expired at the end of May and my parents had already working on his benefits through the VA. When he first moved out here he had been evaluated for his benefits and hand delivered his medical records from his years in the Air Force. Leave it to a military brat who has spent anytime overseas to know how to guard and deliver important documents. Even in the electronic age, the unexpected happens all the time, so plan for all contingencies. If it's important, keep the original in a safe place (strong box, fire proof safe, safety deposit box, etc.) and/or always get a back-up copy.  

My hope is that now that he is getting into the VA system he will be able to help him find the therapy options that he needs. We don't know what the future holds but we thank everyone for their continued well wishes, thoughts and prayers for Sean and our family. We love and appreciate them all. One of my favorite girlfriend's from college, Gentry has a wonderful quote on her FB which perfectly sums up where I think we're all at right now. 

"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity. - Gilda Radner

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