Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Updates # 55, 54 & 53

Saturday, October 10, 2009

#55 Update, October 10th

Sean has been doing outpatient therapies now for 2 weeks and is progressing slow but sure. He had an appointment to see about taking the filter out that they put in the day of his open heart surgery. The filter was put in to prevent the one blood clot in his lower left leg from moving up into his heart. They told us that day that it needed to be removed before it had been in for a year; it doesn't seem possible that it has been 10 months this week. He had an ultrasound and they found that he has not just one clot in his lower left leg but 3. They are stable and should not move but he needs to go to another doctor for a 2nd opinion to remove the filter or not. He tripped going back to his bedroom and hit his head on the rock collection at the end of the hall breaking the Plexiglas which nicked his forehead. He didn't get a bruise, bump, headache or dizziness which was wonderful because he broke his fall before he hit. Pretty scary watching him from behind him and not being able to prevent his falling. It was good that it was Plexiglas instead of regular glass as well. I'm sure the only reason the Plexiglas broke is because the collection was put together when I was in 7th grade and that was a few years ago. :o) Delaney loves to dance and Sean actually got up to dance with her yesterday which was delightful, they are best buds. She actually sat on his lap and fed him some of his sandwich yesterday as well. He has come such a LONG way and it is a GREAT feeling seeing him do so well. Thanks for your continued support and prayers. God Bless

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Update #54, Sept 24, 2009

Sean is starting a new phase in his rehabilitation. He'll be going to a local rehab center for "out-patient" therapy, so that he can use specialized machines to help strengthen and train his body and brain. He was evaluated by physical therapy and occupational therapy on Wednesday. He had his speech therapy evaluation Friday. He will have all three therapies 2 times a week on Mondays and Fridays. He is beginning another part of his journey and improving more and more each day. We are thankful for each day. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
We promised photos from when Sean went to meet his friends Annie & Jeff and their family. We traveled to Gunnison in southwest Colorado to have a short visit; they were vacationing in the Four corners area on Jeff's family's property near Pagosa Springs. The top is Sean with the Steinmanns, and the bottom is of Sean and Jeff. He really enjoyed the visit with Annie, Jeff and their children. That was the last long trip we took in his Hummer before turning it in to GMAC after the lease was complete.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Update #53, September 15th

Sean has had 2 weeks off of therapies waiting to go to outpatient rehab. He will be evaluated next Wednesday and Friday. He has enjoyed taking naps whenever he liked and not be awakened by a schedule. But even he admitted that he is looking forward to working out again. We had his eyes examined and his vision is 5 times worse than before. The eye doctor said his own eyes changed a lot after having heart surgery and he laughs whenever he reads that heart problems do not effect your vision. Sean actually engaged in, started asking questions and making statements the other day when we were discussing the girls(our 2 female dogs) getting into another fight and what we should do. They asked for his social security number last week and I said it would take me a minute as I have it written down. Sean gave the nurse the number matter of fact without hesitation, I was impressed. Still making progress each day and we are very thankful for each of them.

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